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- Build a Virtual House for Nurses in Need
- Nadia Sultana

The 2015 Build a Virtual House for Nurses in Need Campaign, sponsored by Akesso, will run throughout the month of October. All funds raised through this campaign will assist nurses who are ill, injured or facing other dire circumstance to pay for basic needs such as food, shelter and medical care.
To make a donation do this campaign, simply click the "donate" button. To create your own fundraising page simply click "participate" and follow instructions to set up your fundraising page. You will receive a unique URL to send to friends, family, and colleagues. We recommend you set your goal as $500 or more, as the first 10 individuals to donate or raise $500 will each receive a pair of professional shoes from Akesso! In addition, anyone who creates a team page and raises $25 or more will automatically receive a retractable badge holder with Nurses House Logo.
Thank you for your support of Nurses House, Inc. and nurses in need!
raised of $500 goal4

In Support of Nurses House, Inc
Nurses House is the only national organization offering assistance to RN's who are struggling due to their health and financial situation. Nurses House is run by nurses and funded by donations from nurses and the nursing community. Assistance is rendered to those who qualify on a short term basis to help with basic necessary expenses such as rent or mortgage payments and medical needs. The service is a vehicle for nurses to give and receive help from their fellow colleagues and is truly "nurses helping nurses."
(If donation is in honor/memory please complete checkout first. Once the donation has been processed you will see a page to add names and addresses for acknowledgments).
(If donation is in honor/memory please complete checkout first. Once the donation has been processed you will see a page to add names and addresses for acknowledgments).
(If donation is in honor/memory please complete checkout first. Once the donation has been processed you will see a page to add names and addresses for acknowledgments).
(If donation is in honor/memory please complete checkout first. Once the donation has been processed you will see a page to add names and addresses for acknowledgments).