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- ANA-NY Virtual Fun Run/Walk
- Brook Jorgensen

Nurses House is holding our annual ANA-NY fundraiser virtually this year due to COVID-19 and we need your help this year more than ever! Nurses House has already distributed over $2.7 million in assistance to nurses nationally affected by COVID this year - but applications for assistance are still pouring in. Please click "participate" to participate in the fundraiser and create your own unique link to send to friends and family. Those who raise $50 or more will receive a t-shirt by mail. As always, the top 3 fundraisers will also receive a prize!! If you are not able to participate, you may simply click "donate" to make a single donation. Thank you for your continued support. Please contact sdague@nurseshouse.org with any questions.

In Support of Nurses House, Inc
Nurses House is the only national organization offering assistance to RN's who are struggling due to their health and financial situation. Nurses House is run by nurses and funded by donations from nurses and the nursing community. Assistance is rendered to those who qualify on a short term basis to help with basic necessary expenses such as rent or mortgage payments and medical needs. The service is a vehicle for nurses to give and receive help from their fellow colleagues and is truly "nurses helping nurses."